1.California's cities are the most popular (in population and popularity) cities in the United States catering to the lifestyles of gay parents and residents.With months left until the election, commercials in Cali sent messages denouncing gay rights and homosexuality as being harmful to children. Progressive California loves Arnold and Maria! California said hell no (or in this case Yes) to gay liberties on Election Day as Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual or Queer African American activists were left feeling bittersweet.Its a sad transition for members of the LGBTQ community as well as anyone who hoped that civil rights would soon be passed out across the board in America. Caitlin MacRae describes it best in her Nerve.com article This Too Shall Pass,
"The majority gets freaked out when other people win the rights that they already enjoy as though rights are finite and show be stockpiled like so many cans of beans in case of a nuclear fallout." Is it the heterosexual privilege to legally love? Is it the Red filling in the California pie with the Blue crust that speaks? Is it the Christian step forward to a God fearing America? Nearly fifty percent of heterosexual couples get divorced. That's a lot of gay marriages that could have worked. As coalitions for gay rights Timberland their way through NYC (and yes, gay men do were boots too) I see more and more Facebook statuses asking California "What's up with that?". What's up with it is that our nation under God won't sit in the pews of a gay wedding. No politician will ever make it into office with pro-gay marriage sentiments. They can't even run for office and be gay, ask New Jersey.
Dear Repubulic of California,
Fear not- being gay is not contagious, but ignorance spreads faster than the speed of light.
Love B.Politics